Decision making from a cognitive perspective: analysis of research strategies used in studies between 2009 and 2019

análise das estratégias de pesquisa utilizadas em estudos entre 2009 e 2019




Behavioral decision making. Cognition. Bibliometric analysis. Methodological strategies.


This research aimed to investigate the research strategies used in studies on behavioral decision making and cognition. For this purpose, a bibliometric study was carried out with 2,001 articles, made available on the research platform Web of Science, in the period from 2009 to 2019, when searching for the terms Behavioral decision making or Cognition in the Business and Management categories. From the detected studies, we chose to evaluate in detail the 13 studies that were associated with the themes of behavioral decision making and cognition, as well as being included in the parameters of the h-index obtained. The results allowed to present a broad view of academic production on the subject, as well as the research strategies used. In general, studies on decision and cognition are of a qualitative nature, of a descriptive type, with theoretical design, the source of evidence being the documentary analysis and do not present specific analysis.


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Author Biographies

Eliete dos Reis Lehnhart, Federal University of Santa Maria - UFSM

PhD in Administration, Federal University of Santa Maria (UFSM), Postgraduate Program in Administration (PPGA). Department of Administrative Sciences.

Rafaela Dutra Tagliapietra, Federal University of Santa Maria - UFSM

Master in Business Administration, Federal University of Santa Maria (UFSM), Graduate Program in Business Administration (PPGA).

Julia Tontini, Federal University of Santa Maria - UFSM

Master's student in Administration, Federal University of Santa Maria (UFSM), Postgraduate Program in Administration (PPGA).


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How to Cite

dos Reis Lehnhart, E., Dutra Tagliapietra, R., & Tontini, J. (2021). Decision making from a cognitive perspective: analysis of research strategies used in studies between 2009 and 2019: análise das estratégias de pesquisa utilizadas em estudos entre 2009 e 2019. Revista Vianna Sapiens, 12(1), 20.