Um estudo comparativo sobre a abordagem da satisfação no trabalho entre três escalas de medidas comportamentais
satisfação no trabalho, escalas, motivaçãoAbstract
Psychometric scales can be applied to guide people management policies and practices, including to assess how job satisfaction is presented, in general, in a given organization. This study consisted of an analysis of how three are structured scales applied in the Brazilian context. It started from the objective of comparing the approach to the topic of satisfaction when analyzing and delimiting convergences and complementarities between the Job Satisfaction Scale (EST), the Job Satisfaction Scale of the Occupational Stress Indicator (EST-OSI) and the Satisfaction Questionnaire at Work S20/23. Thus, this research was developed (since the analyzes focused on how these scales are presented to be applied), it was relevant to consider contributions from basic research, with emphasis on the projection of theories that may be appropriate for the creation of plausible instruments to be employed in the development of applied research. It is verified, in this research, the creation of the items of the scales analyzed based on the propositions of Frederick Herzberg, Victor Vroom and Edwin Locke. Each of these theorists emphasizes specific aspects that can serve as an understanding to characterize and define job satisfaction, even though there are different ways of conceptualizing this theme. Consolidated the analyzes of how the three scales are composed, it was possible to observe similarities in how they approach factors that influence satisfaction, making suggestions for future research focused on the creation of a new instrument that unifies the items projected in each of the scales covered in this study.
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